To celebrate the launch of the website, Fazila Foods had been running a countdown to the big day with a series of prize giveaways though the brand’s social media channels, @fazilafoods.

Throughout lockdown, production at Fazila Foods has not stopped. In fact, the award-winning company has gone into overdrive. Last September they announced a new partnership with Clayton Park Bakery, which enhanced the availability of Fazilas’ handmade range in addition to being stocked in SPAR outlets around the North of England. In October, this extraordinary organisation helped fundraising efforts for the children of Yemen and in January, they laid on a spectacular Asian inspired feast for staff and residents of their local Cancer Hospice, Bolton Hospice.

The latest development in the upward trajectory of Fazila Foods is the new website, designed to showcase the company’s range of products to new and existing customers  and to share Fazila Foods’ local history and family ethos.

Fazila Malek, Director of Fazila Foods, explained:

“The business has been going from strength to strength. As we’ve grown, we’ve recruited more staff, expanded our reach and now we need a greater online presence to keep everybody updated.

“Fazila Foods has always been a big part of the community, here in Bolton and the wider area. This website is part of that. We set it up as an online hub for anyone who wants to find out about us; our brand, the products we’re proud of and the real sense of family values that still exist within the business. It’s designed for both existing customers, potential customers and members of the general public to find out more about us; who we are and what we do.”

In addition to all the usual information you’d expect to find, the website contains the fascinating company history: The firm was set up by Fazila Malek after she settled with her family in Bolton. Her life story begins in India. She then travelled to Botswana before finally arriving in Bolton, being loved for her food and the convenience that she was able to add to people’s busy lives.

Curry is the UK’s favourite dish and Fazila Foods is making those flavours available in a convenient way, while retaining an authenticity of being homemade. With products like Spicy Bhajis and Samosas, Wraps and Sandwiches and the Chicken Tikka Pizza, hungry people can put fire in their bellies with a true taste of Asian spice.

Fazila Foods is a true marriage of East and West and a brilliant success story. Their products are available in SPAR Stores  and other independent outlets up and down the country, including hospitality venues of all kinds.

For more information about Fazila Foods, including how to enter the competitions, visit, or go to